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Friday, August 3, 2012


http://www.justsouno.wordpress.com    Contrary to the previous post, I do sincerely respect the boundaries of others. I know the necessity of having boundaries firmly in place. Of having them pushed and crossed by others in my life. Without boundaries, we would be taken advantage of, overwhelmed, "doormats" to those who refuse to take control of their own lives. The importance of boundaries are essential for not only our own mental well being, but actually, the well being of others. Why? Because we are sending out a message about ourselves, who we are, stating our own limitations, moral values, and self respect. Thus, causing others to realize, that perhaps their own lives are in need of some kind of order.

    We can not change others, it's true. But we can take charge of what is in our power to control.

    Boundaries free us up to be who we are. Defensiveness with  resentment and insecurities, creep in if no boundaries are firmly in place, i.e. boundaries result in good, healthy, self esteem. It gives us the personal space in which we need to grow, to be happy, to have peace of mind.

    I suppose the previous post could be considered an opportunity for us to reexamine our personal space. What resides there, are we comfortable and secure there? If not, adjustments must be made.

    Just a matter of experience.





1 comment:

  1. Our personal space is the most important and sometimes the only privacy we can expect. :)
